Wes Perry Photography

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Pablo & Heather ~ Moncton Wedding Photography

All week, the forecast was verging on rain. For the wedding day? No, for the whole week. If we were to believe the meteorologists, this outdoor wedding would be taking place in a swamp by the time everyone coalesced in Mapleton Park in Moncton.

Bright and early, I met the bride to be at the hair salon, along with her mother and sister/maid of honour. All I can say about that is that it was more of a coffee drinking time than a dress twirling time.

Then it was on to the groom. His family and groomsmen had all traveled far to join him that day, and amid luggage and travel trappings to wade through, they quickly shaped up into model material.

Back to the bride's house, the whole family was trickling in to take part in the preparations. While nerf darts flew through the air, makeup was made up and count downs were completed. And eventually the bride decided to wear the dress instead of a hockey jersey.

The sun never did come out that day, but the rain was also never seen again. The small ceremony filled in to the veranda of the lodge, family and friends waited for the bride to arrive.

For the "formals", we took a walk around the park, from the benches, to the fields, to the trees, to the bridge. I almost fell in a river, but I don't think anyone noticed, so don't go spreading it around, eh? I've got an image to maintain.

At the reception, embarrassing stories, embarrassing games, great food, and loud laughter filled the log cabin lodge as the sun set outside.