Wes Perry Photography

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Stephanie & Jeff's Wedding

Right from the get-go, it was pretty clear that today would be one of those days where I could fry an egg on my fedora. As my Civic struggled to bring the A/C to life on my short trip up mountain road toward Hotel Moncton, I was crossing my fingers that the hotel would have better A/C than my car (it did...after I worked on it a little bit ;) ).

Upon arrival, the hot day became a warm welcome, and I was momentarily distracted from the heat by the wall to wall, floor to ceiling windows bathing the room with the rising sun. I'm often left to creativity to come up with enough light during the morning prep times, in basements or crowded hotel rooms with small windows, but not so in this corner room at Moncton's eponymous hotel - there was no hiding from the light in that room. Which is likely why I have a few more 'favourites' from this time of the day than usual...everything/ everyone just looked amazing in that light! (Obviously they were already looking amazing to begin with...but I digress...just start perusing the pictures already!)

Once their looks were perfected, the ladies headed outside for a few shots in the field beside the hotel. As we did so, the men snuck inside to get ready in the same place. I say get ready, but they were already fully prepared by the time they arrived, so soon we went outside for a few photos as well (as the ladies disappeared to the ceremony location). I'm pretty sure that somehow no 'wedding rules' were broken as their groups dodged around one another in secret.

Next I headed down to the Moncton Golf and Country Club in Riverview (for those reading along from afar, no, the Moncton Golf and Country Club is not really in Moncton. They did not consult me on this decision).

The ladies were relaxing (or so we'll say) in the women's locker room, with a great view of the guests as they arrived and walked out into the field. It was at this point that the weather began to turn a bit upside down on us. Even though the rain not only threatened, but then entirely proceeded, there was little hesitation for the bride and groom - they were getting married outside on the course, and that was it! (The DJ Krysta Jay's 120V equipment was a little less enthusiastic about the proposal, but she still made it work like a pro...because she is a pro, obviously).

I wiped away the water as it ran off my camera and lens while they said their "I do's", and before you knew it (things might have been a bit accelerated due to the conditions), they were running back toward the clubhouse as the rain picked up further. Just as we all were getting back inside the clubhouse and under its awning it started to pour while we planned for family and formal photos.

It was exactly at the moment that everyone was gathered and ready, and I was fully prepared to do some cool rain shots with my flashes in ziplock bags that the rain broke, and we went about our photos as normal (although you can certainly see the scattering of raindrops if you look closely).

With the sun dipping toward the trees, the rain gave way to an enormous double rainbow behind the clubhouse. It didn't last long, but I managed to capture a panorama of it while standing on the patio railing outside building just before it vanished. I'm glad I could catch it for them, though, as they were tied up while it made its course across the sky.

The happy (and slightly damp) couple and their crew walked triumphantly into the hall and the party began. The casino crowd were well prepared to hit the dance floor, the moment the groom and his mother gave way during their dance.

Since the rings weren't in one place in the morning, I decided to wait until the reception was well underway (and the fight over the bouquet was over) to grab them and take some shots, and I'm glad I did. The sequined tablecloth and the string of LED lights I bring with me everywhere (my secret is out!) worked together to make some breathtaking macro ring shots.

The party was still going strong as I packed up, but they didn't need me documenting the rest of it. Because as I'm sure the casino crew are well aware, what happens in in Vegas, stays in Vegas ;)

Congratulations, Stephanie and Jeff, and thank you so much for letting me take part in your amazing day!