Wes Perry Photography

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Something Different - Concept Shoot

One of my many goals for this year is to finally get back into doing passion projects - random photography work just for the sake of having fun, growing, learning new things, and working with new people. And that brings us to this week’s shoot with Melissa Jenkins and Katie Girvan.

Long story short: Katie loves getting creative with makeup, and I asked her to just go wild. Melissa loves acting, the stage, and a good fantasy novel or two, so she was excited to take part. And away we go!

We started out with a “normal” downtown fashion/model shoot, so that Melissa could get a few pictures out of that day that actually looked like her. Unfortunately it was -13c and all my off camera flashes broke/refused to work that morning, so things didn’t quite go as planned, but we still came through with a few shots before we had to run back to the studio to thaw our fingers out.

Then I set up my insane lighting plan while Katie worked her makeup magic with Melissa for an hour or so. Then Mel got in front of the camera for some epic shots. (side note - a secret of model headshots: it’s just a strapless top, nothing scandalous 😂)

Unbeknownst to me, while I was putting my son down for nap time, Katie and Melissa were already making plans for part two of the concept shoot. So apparently this isn’t the last you’ll be seeing of this combo.

And don’t worry, more weddings and happy family photos are still to come. Quite a bit more, actually. I’m way behind, and just needed a little spark of creativity to get me out of my writing slump and back into the blog. See you very soon ;)