Jessica & Aaron ~ Anniversary in Fundy National Park

Jessica & Aaron came all the way from Ontario for this photo shoot! Okay, maybe not, but we definitely appreciated their visit and had a lot of fun.

The wanted to hit some touristy destinations along the way, so we started at the prerequisite New Brunswick covered bridge. 

Then we moved on to walk on the ocean floor at Hopewell Rocks. Although the day looked beautiful, it was cool and windy. The gusts picked up the sand and lashed it against the little people wandering amongst the "flower pot rocks".

It was so windy that day that I almost lost part of my flag modifier. It blew apart and went for the river. Luckily Aaron managed to chase it down.

Hopewell Rocks was quite crowded that day with many people out taking advantage of the long weekend, so I had to edit the extra people out of some of the photos. I invite you to go back and do a "where's Waldo" on the previous photos to try to figure out where they were! 

Time to prepare for a cool breeze and some orange leaves. Fall engagement photography season will soon be upon us, so stay tuned!



Shelley & Mathieu ~ Engagement in St. Antoine


Landscapes in Fundy National Park