How much is this going to cost?
Head on over to my pricing page under the Connect menu to find out.
How will we get our photos?
For anything other than a wedding, you'll be sent a download link to retrieve your files. This link will only remain active for a couple weeks. For weddings, you'll you have the option of either digital download link (which can be shared with family and friends at your discretion) or a USB stick.
When will we get our photos?Soon. You should get your photos in less than 31 days (not counting any necessary shipping/meet-up arrangement times or disasters), but it's entirely likely that you'll have them in half that time.
How many photos will we get?
All the good ones. Any photo that I find to be sufficiently awesome or not identical to another photo will be edited and given to you. This often results in a decent number of photos (approximately 50 per hour of shooting).
Can I print my photos?
Absolutely. You will have full print quality digital files, and the full printing rights. The only things you can't do is significantly alter them, take credit for them, or sell them (excluding commercial photography arrangements).
Will all my photos be in colour/in black & white?
No? Okay, I guess that's not a yes or no question. Almost all photos will be delivered in colour, except for maybe a couple where colour just totally didn't work out for some reason. Then there will be duplicates of approximately 1/6 of the photos in black & white, but only those photos that work out well in that format. Some (most) photos just don't have the right composition/contrast/feel to look good in black & white.
Do I have to pay extra for more photos/Do I have to pay you for prints?
Nope. All the photos are included and you can print to your heart's content.
I lost my photos! What do I do?!
I will do my best to hold on to all your photos for as long as possible. If you lost them, there's a pretty good chance that I still have them. I can dig them up and provide them to you again at a cost of $30 (plus the cost of any hardware required, like if you need them on a new USB stick). For my advice on keeping your photos, click here.
What should we wear to our (insert event name) photoshoot?
I'm not super picky, and would prefer that you look comfortable in your own skin. That being said, avoid wearing clothes with words or large, visible logos (unless you're Super into it), and avoid wearing a lot of black (it's just hard to see you).
Do you do destination weddings/events?
Absolutely. If you want your day to have one more known variable - the photographer - I'd be more than happy to join you for your weekend in Mexico/Banff/Antarctica (but perhaps a little less excited if Antarctica). Since destination weddings are all a bit different, just send me an email and we can come up with pricing when we hash out the details.
What should I wear to my engagement or family shoot?
I'm not super picky. I'd rather you look like you than someone else. That being said, try not to wear too much black, and if you're going to be in a green forest, don't wear green, or in a blue ocean, don't wear blue, basically I just want to make sure you can be seen ;) Also, make sure you think you match whoever else is going to be in your photos (that's subjective, and it's your opinion that matters most). As long as you're happy with the way you look, I'll be happy as well.
Do you do same-sex/LGBTQ weddings/unions/partnerships?
Yep. If you want me to take pictures of your celebration of love and commitment, I'll be there.
What format will my photos be in?
Photos will be delivered in full resolution .jpg (up to 24 Mpx)
Can I have the RAW files/all the photos you took?
I'm afraid not. The RAW files in no way represent my finished work, as post processing is a big part of what we do as photographers, and you really don't need all the out of focus shots/pictures of the floor/pictures where you look like you have 5 chins. You just don't.
Do you bring a backup camera?
I will likely have three cameras with me for your photoshoot, and typically carry two cameras at once for most of the day, to always have two focal lengths readily available, and in case of equipment failure (it’s only happened once, but you can never be too careful).
What camera(s) do you use?
Although the camera doesn't make the photographer, it is their most important, and even defining tool. My primary camera is a Sony a9 (sorry Canon and Nikon, but I just don't like your cameras that much. No hard feelings, alright?), with a Sony a7iv as secondary/backup, and a couple other cameras laying in wait in my car should something go terribly wrong and the need arise.
What lenses do you usually use?
Getting a bit personal here, but alright ;) . I shoot most of the wedding day with a 35mm 1.4 and an 85mm 1.4. For other parts and purposes, I'll also pull a 90mm macro and a 16-35 2.8 out of my bag to get just the right shot. From time to time I'll use a 70-200, but I'm just not that big on zoom lenses, or being so far away from people that I have to shout.
What editing software do you use?
Capture One Pro
Mac or PC?
Mac... but let's not fight about this, okay?
What payment types do you accept?
I can accept cash, eTransfer (very common now) and Visa/Mastercard. I regret that I can't currently accept debit or cheques.
Can I get my deposit back if my wedding is cancelled or rescheduled?
I'm afraid not. That money books the date and prevents me from booking other customers. If you're moving it to another date, as long as you and I are both available on that date, we'll just transfer the deposit to the new event. After booking you, it’s almost guaranteed that I will then have to turn down a bunch of other requests for that day.
Do you back up your work/Are my photos safe with you?
Yes. When I get home from your wedding/photoshoot, I import the photos to my computer, then back them up to two external drives (one of which goes in a fire safe), and to a remote cloud drive before I call it a night. Then I can sleep soundly knowing that your photos are on two SD cards, one computer, two external hard drives, and one remote server. 👌🏻
Who decides what sort of pictures we take?
We all do! I think that it should be a collaborative experience, so that the end product represents something unique and personal.
The environment we’re shooting in plays a huge role, though. Whether it’s sunny, or overcast, or raining, the time of day, whether it’s urban or forest, indoor or outdoor - these things will all have a huge impact on what sorts of photos will work best for us. As such, we have to keep an open mind and always be on the lookout for what will make magic ;)
We have this crazy idea and we're not sure if you...
Please tell me all about it, and we'll make it work (unless it will get us arrested). If you have a great and unique idea, I'm all ears.
My wedding is almost an hour from Moncton. Does that cost extra?
Nope. I consider anything less than a one hour drive from my place near the bridge in Riverview to be fair game. Not everyone gets married downtown!
My wedding is in a city other than Moncton/Riverview/Dieppe. Does that cost extra?
Since I don't want to risk falling asleep at the wheel on my way home with your photos (shooting a full wedding is exhausting!), any drive time in excess of an hour and a half (such as in another city, Fredericton, Halifax, Saint John, Charlottetown, etc), I’ll have to either bill for a hotel room, or be provided with a room from a booked wedding block (sharing a futon with uncle Marty and the dog doesn't count, sorry).
Do you need a ride at the wedding? Will you travel in the limo?
I’ll have my own vehicle with me, and I’ll follow you around wherever you go. I can’t really ride in the limo because I bring a fair amount of equipment with me and it wouldn’t really be feasible to jam it all in with the wedding party ;)
The bride/groom isn’t getting ready at the same location as me, can you see them as well?For sure. Yeah, it’s more driving, but you won’t be charged for it (unless I’m going significantly further away still), since it’s time that I’m not taking photos that I’ll have to edit later. Just a tradeoff!
Is your business insured?
Yes, for both my own equipment/data, and liability.
Are you a legally registered company, or working under the table?
It's all above board. I have to charge 15% HST on all my sales (even cash sales), and then they get the rest of my money at income tax season ;)
Will there be a legal contract between us?
Absolutely. Send me an email and I’ll share a copy of it with you.
Can I just send you a quick text?
You sure can. 506-870-0786
Can I contact you on...
...facebook, wedding wire, instagram, twitter, etc... I am in all those places, and would love for you to follow me and my work, but if we're getting down to business and making formal arrangements, I prefer that any important written communications be through email, info@wesperryphotography.com, or text message, for the sake of staying organized, and being able to search the content. I get a Lot of messages, and have a Lot of clients, so it can be incredibly difficult to keep track of otherwise!