Brianne & Chris' Wedding

The day began bright and early at the Hampton Inn at the north end of Moncton. Upon arriving at the room I discovered that, much to my delight, throughout the preceding week, anything that wasn't already glittery before had had some glitter added to it. I probably would have put those champagne bottles in the background of every picture would it not be seen as exceedingly tacky. 

Everyone was getting ready in the hotel room, yet somehow there was still space. And just like an old episode of Full House, it took me some time to realize that the flower girls were actually identical twins. I'm the most observant unobservant you will ever meet.

Then it was off into the country to Blueberry Hill Farms again (click here in case you missed the last time I stopped by). Apparently we had the privilege of being the last group to come through there for the season. This time the flower girls actually made it the whole way down the aisle, so really, it was pretty much perfect.

We didn't have far to go to find some beautiful fall colours for the formal photos. I'm pretty sure the trees were just hanging on out there for this one event, and the very next day they gave up and dropped all their leaves. I didn't go back to check, but my science is generally infallible.

Treats, lights, laughter, dancing and shoes. That's about all you really need to know. Okay, so there might be more. I have to hand it to the guys that strung up all those hanging lights, they definitely didn't call it quits until the job was done. When I arrived on scene at the farm, the groom was on a ladder making sure everything was ship shape, and it really shows. The ambiance was fantastic, as was the reception itself.

Congratulations, Brianne & Chris!


Julie & Eric's Engagement


Adrienne & Nathaniel's Family