Chris & Christina

Our day began like any other day: 4 hours of hair and makeup. Okay, maybe it's just me that spends that kind of time on their hair on a daily basis. There were family members both furry and furless running about the house, getting ready for the day.

While the bride was still getting her glam on, I pulled the bridesmaids and mother of the bride aside for some shots to show off their hair and makeup (and themselves as well, of course). Then the finishing touches and we hit the road for Victoria Park!

At Victoria Park, mother nature met us with some resistance. It rained, but then it stopped. But then it rained, and stopped, and rained and... well, you get the picture. In the midst of all of that, we still managed to get the pictures as well ;)

Oh, and the wedding! There was a wedding as well. And of course the furry family members, dressed to the nines, came along as well.

After that, everyone ended up at the Beausejour Curling Club for the reception. I might have been expecting more ice and stones, but it turns out there were lights and flowers there. And Timbits. And dancing. And that's all that anyone can hope for.

That and some cake, I suppose. But we had that, too.


Louise & Jason's Wedding


Vacation in PEI