Roxanne & Derek's Engagement

"Huh, it's not that cold out!"

Boy have I ever heard that one before ;)

We arrived at St Anselme Rotary Park well before sunset, but the sky was so clear that it wouldn't be changing until very late in the day, so we decided to take our time (there might have been something to do with a daylight savings sun tracking mix-up, but I can neither confirm nor deny any such rumours).

Instead of fluffy snow, much of the park was covered in a sheet of ice, which, although treacherous, made for some interesting compositions. Just to be clear, they're not standing on what was the warm, thin ice of the pond at the park, but actually in the middle of an oddly frozen field.

Eventually the "warm cold" got to be a bit much, and we wanted to wait for a bit more sunset anyway, so we retreated to our respective vehicles to thaw our hands for a few minutes. Then we were back at it for some final romantic shots.

But it wasn't all fun and games. In amongst the excitement of the setting sun and framing camera angles, the reflector went unwatched, if ever so briefly. It was in that moment that a gust of wind picked it up, and sent it on an oddly stable roll down the hill and across the barely frozen lake, coming to rest approximately in the middle.

RIP Reflector, 2014-2017

RIP Reflector, 2014-2017

You will be missed, reflector.

But to be honest, coming to a halt right in the middle of the pond like that was a bit of a jerk move on its part, and Amazon was more than happy to have a replacement on my doorstep in a couple days for a very reasonable price. So life goes on ;)


Vickie & Andre's Engagement


Amanda & Ben's Engagement