Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 for Sony APS-C Review

Now that you’ve heard my thoughts on the new Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 for Sony e-mount, feel free to take a minute browse some image samples from the lens.

First we’re starting out with some college grad photos with my assistant Alycia:

Then we hit the road for some filmmaking, but took the Viltrox 13 along for the ride for some landscape shots in between sessions.

Then a little urban and street photography with my friend Katie, The Practical Escapist.

And finally back to the studio with Maggie for some bokeh testing, starting at f/1.4, then to f/2.0, then f/2.8

If you want to pick up one of these lenses, feel free to use one of my affiliate links, to help support this channel and feed my fat cats:


Standard retail only available in Fuji X-Mount right now:
Amazon US:
Amazon CA:

Thanks for stopping by. Now go take some photos!


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